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Mike's Galleries


Michael Daniel, Hiker, Filmaker, Songwriter, and Adventurer

Forthcoming Projects: New FILM-- "WALKING WITH FREEDOM II" (Shooting title) a personal look at American Lazyness and Environmental apathy, including a 2667 mile hike from Mexico to Canada, starting May 3rd, I am going to be in Dallas getting before and after physical exams at Baylor to show the importance and the changes a body goies through on a 2667 mile walk.

Finished Feature Length Films:

Directed/Written By/Photographed/Edited/Produced

CO-Producer David Burrows

A virtual trip on the 2173 Mile Appalachian Trail, covering subculture, wildlife and the 14 States it goes through.
It just got picked for an Official Selection in The Appalachian Film Festival in Huntington West VA on April 27th,

It has sold over 1000 copies with 'trunk' distribution since May of 2005.

I did a go-rilla screening during Sundance Film Festival 2005 right in a Main Street Sports Bar "The Upper Deck", had free beer, food, giveaways, and the City shut down my rock wall because it wasnt "Sundance" approved...what a gyp!

Previous/Completed Projects:


"Skeleton At The Feast"
Thriller/in the Tennessee Williams vein (My favorite Villian I have written is in this one)--Option by Tried and True Productions, but now I own it money rocks.

A dark distrubing insane look at what love can make people do.

A Spoof of The Lord Of The Rings, currently top 10 at

Comedy about a guy who gets misunderstood constantly which screws his life up.

Slasher flick, with a mean moter scooter of a villian in a pig mask who carries a rubber mallet with glass shards glued on it.

"Saint Leviticus"
A surgeon who is willing to go to horrendous lengths to keep his 'dead' wife alive.

"Diablo Horribilis"
A Grizzly terrorizes a small mountain town during its annual labor day weekend.

Short Films:

"Next Time Around"
My first...sorta crappy, but I learned a few things...mainly that no one will have the drive or concern for your projects that you do...Im still learing that.

"What Love Can Do"
filmed in three hours, pages 51-54 pulled from the Screnplay BROKEN (Above)..people compliment my acting, so thats nice.

"The Search For The Big Sqautch Yeti" Comedy
A scientist (Me) searches for his dead crew and bigfoot in the sierra mountains(Filmed in the Sierras outside of Bishop CA) but really freaks him out is when eh runs out of smokes. All improv.
Sorta blair witchy--and I swear to this day I hadnt seen Blair Witch Project before I made this..on my soul.

Television work:

Host of The Resort Report
60 minute live TV show 4 times a week, at 7:00 a.m.
in New reports/interviews/town happenings

Guest Host
Filmed during Sundance Film Festival 2005
Interviewed Daniel Day Lewis, Steve Buscemi, Marisa Tomiee, amoung others, as well as spotlighting the
"UN-Offcial" screening of my film "Walking With Freedom"
Aired three times on the Star Network in Canada

Boom Opertator
"The Analyst"--filmed by Eric Prescott, Hollywood

Film work:
Credited Actor

Office worker on Razor scooter
Eric Johnson, filmed in San Fransisco

"Untying The Knots"
Drunken and abusive boyfriend
Filmed in Malibu, Waterline Productions

Extra work:

"The Birdcage"
Mike Nichols, Miami

"Kathrines Grove"
Fort Lauderdale


I have written over 30 songs, some you can hear at this lkink with my band, SMELLY FOAM HIPPY--there are three there:

and this link at acidplanet has a few more:

All songs are written and song by me, with guitar written/played by my Boy John Robblee, except EASY TO LOVE--thats all me.

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